7 Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty And How to Avoid Them in 2024

Published on: July 8, 2024

Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty

Hola learners! Are you also someone who is looking for the common mistakes in Bug Bounty and finding a reliable Bug Bounty hunting course in Hindi? Sure, we can understand. Bug Bounty might seem like a lucrative and exciting program, still, getting into the Bug Bounty program is a challenging task. Certain aspects are required to consider and becoming a Bug Bounty hunter can vary in many ways. As the Bug Bounty program comes with lots of challenges, more and more people are likely to fall victim to common mistakes in Bug Bounty.

As more and more learning enthusiasts seek Bug Bounty best practices and want to learn the common mistakes in Bug Bounty hunting for beginners, Skilcamp is here to help you with this. In this short guide, you will get to know the 7 Bug Bounty common errors in 2024 and how to avoid them as a beginner. Not just that, you will also get the opportunity to know the common Bug Bounty best practices in 2024. With no delays, let’s jump into it!

Check Out The 7 Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty

common mistakes in bug bounty hunting for beginners

1. Failing to Adapt to Different Bug Bounty Program Types

Mistake: Having a one-size-fits-all approach for all Bug Bounty programs.

What Is It?

Failing to adapt to different program types is the first on the list of new Bug bounty hunter mistakes for 2024. Typically, Bug Bounty programs vary widely in their structure, objectives, and expectations. And, if you seek to adopt a uniform strategy for every program, you will be limiting your effectiveness and potential rewards. To help you better understand, let’s take an instance. 

For example, public Bug Bounty programs often tend to attract a large number of participants. This makes them highly competitive and often requires swift, innovative approaches to stand out. On the other hand, private Bug Bounty programs usually attract fewer participants. But necessitate more specialized and thorough testing to uncover deeper vulnerabilities. If you fail to recognize and adapt to these differences, it will ultimately result in missed opportunities and less-than-ideal outcomes.

How to Avoid These Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty? 

To help you avoid this Bug Bounty pitfalls consider the following steps:

  • First, research more about the program. For instance, public programs are highly competitive and act quickly while private programs need deeper and thorough testing.
  • Secondly, read the scope and rules carefully to know what’s in and out of scope.
  • Thirdly, adjust your methods to fit the program’s needs.
  • Fourthly, select those tools that match the program’s requirements.
  • Lastly, keep notes on what works and refine your approach for future programs.

2. Underestimating the Power of Community

Mistake: Going it alone and not leveraging the knowledge and experience of other Bug Bounty hunters.

What Is It?

The second common mistake in Bug Bounty hunting for beginners is underestimating the power of community. Ideally, the Bug Bounty hunting community is a rich resource of shared knowledge, techniques, and support. And, if you are someone who is attempting to tackle Bug Bounty programs in isolation, you are limiting your growth and problem-solving capabilities. Yes, you need to understand that the Bug Bounty program is a collaborative aspect. Other hunters also face the same experiences and have strategies and solutions to problems similar to yours. They can provide valuable insights and inspiration. 

Hence, ignoring this collaborative aspect not only isolates you but also means missing out on potential shortcuts and innovative methods that can enhance your success rate.

How to Avoid These Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty?

To help you avoid this Bug Bounty common errors consider the following steps:

  • Firstly, you can join online Bug Bounty forums and communities.
  • Secondly, you can participate in discussions and ask questions.
  • Thirdly, try to share your findings and techniques with others and collaborate with fellow hunters on projects.
  • Fourthly, look for attending Bug Bounty conferences and meetups.
  • Lastly, try to follow and learn from experienced Bug Bounty hunters on social media.

3. Getting Discouraged by Slow Response Time

Mistake: Letting slow report turnaround times from program admins reduce your enthusiasm.

What Is It?

The third common mistake in Bug Bounty hunting for beginners is getting discouraged very easily by the slow response time. Specifically, Bug bounty programs can often have significant delays in responding to submitted reports due to the volume of submissions and the complexity of verifying issues. If you are someone who gets demotivated due to these delays and loses your productivity and enthusiasm, you are making a huge mistake. You need to look for maintaining a long-term perspective and not let immediate frustrations derail your progress and commitment to Bug Bounty hunting.

How to Avoid These Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty?

To help you avoid this Bug Bounty common errors consider the following steps:

  • Firstly, try to maintain perspective on common delays in Bug Bounty programs.
  • Secondly, practice patience while awaiting feedback. You can also use downtime to hunt for other vulnerabilities or improve skills.
  • Thirdly, seek interim feedback and support from the Bug Bounty community.
  • Fourthly, set realistic expectations for response times.
  • Lastly, focus on long-term goals to stay motivated.

Mistake: Engaging in activities that breach legal or ethical boundaries.

What Is It?

The fourth on the list of 7 common mistakes in Bug Bounty comes from disregarding the legal and ethical guidelines. Generally, Bug bounty programs operate within legal frameworks and ethical guidelines. Hence, trying to engage in unauthorized testing, exploiting vulnerabilities beyond agreed-upon scope, or failing to respect privacy can result in legal repercussions and damage your reputation within the Bug Bounty community.

How to Avoid These Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty?

To help you avoid this Bug Bounty common errors consider the following steps:

  • Firstly, try to educate yourself on the legal and ethical considerations of bug hunting. 
  • Secondly, adhere strictly to the program’s rules of engagement, respect user privacy, and never exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain or malicious intent. 
  • Thirdly, regularly update your knowledge of industry standards and legal implications related to bug-hunting activities.

5. Relying Solely on Automated Tools

Mistake: Depending entirely on automated vulnerability scanning tools without manual testing.

What Is It?

The fifth on the list of common Bug Bounty pitfalls in 2024 is to stop solely relying on automated tools. Typically, automated tools are good for starting, but they often miss subtle vulnerabilities that need human insight and creativity to find. Hence, wholly relying on tools can limit your ability to find high-value, complex vulnerabilities that manual testing might uncover.

How to Avoid These Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty?

To help you avoid this new Bug bounty hunter mistakes consider the following steps:

  • Firstly, use automated tools as a starting point, but later supplement it with manual testing.
  • Secondly, develop skills in manual testing to uncover subtle vulnerabilities.
  • Thirdly, think creatively to find complex vulnerabilities beyond the scope of automated tools.
  • Lastly, validate automated tool findings with manual verification.

6.Overlooking Documentation and Scope

Mistake: Ignoring or misunderstanding the program’s documentation and scope guidelines.

What Is It?

The sixth common mistake in Bug Bounty hunting for beginners is to stop overlooking documentation and scope. Usually, every Bug Bounty program provides detailed documentation outlining what is in scope and out of scope like who is eligible for rewards and who is not. However, beginners often overlook or misinterpret these guidelines. This, as a result, leads to wasted effort on vulnerabilities that won’t be rewarded or breach the program rules.

How to Avoid These Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty?

To help you avoid this Bug Bounty common errors consider the following steps:

  • Firstly, thoroughly read and understand the program’s documentation before starting.
  • Secondly, clarify any ambiguities in scope guidelines with program administrators.
  • Thirdly, focus efforts exclusively on vulnerabilities within the defined scope.
  • Fourthly, regularly review and update yourself on changes in the program’s scope.
  • Lastly, follow guidelines strictly to ensure eligibility for rewards and avoid rule breaches.

7. Neglecting Proper Reporting Techniques

Mistake: Submitting reports that are unclear, incomplete, or improperly formatted.

What Is It?

The last on the list of Bug Bounty pitfalls in 2024 is to stop neglecting the proper reporting techniques. Being a beginner Bug Bounty hunter you need to know that even if you find a legitimate vulnerability, a poorly written or inadequately documented report can delay or even prevent your reward. Every program administrator typically needs clear, detailed information to replicate and verify reported issues. Hence, try to focus on clear and proper reporting.

How to Avoid These Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty?

To help you avoid this Bug Bounty pitfalls consider the following steps:

  • Firstly, learn and follow the program’s preferred reporting format and guidelines. 
  • Secondly, look for all necessary details such as steps to reproduce, impact assessment, and proof of concept.
  • Thirdly, provide clear and concise explanations to facilitate issue replication.
  • Fourthly, use screenshots, logs, or videos to supplement your report where applicable.
  • Lastly, communicate promptly and professionally with program administrators throughout the process.

That’s it! This was all about the common mistake in Bug Bounty hunting for beginners. Now that you are aware of Bug Bounty pitfalls, let us look into the Bug Bounty best practices that are sure to elevate your Bug Bounty game. 

Bonus Tips: 10 Bug Bounty Best Practices You Should Follow in 2024

bug bounty hunting course in Hindi
  1. Understand and adhere strictly to program scope and rules.
  2. Use a systematic testing approach with both automated and manual methods.
  3. Document findings clearly with steps to reproduce and proof of concepts.
  4. Operate within legal and ethical boundaries, respecting user privacy.
  5. Engage with and learn from the Bug Bounty community.
  6. Validate vulnerabilities thoroughly before reporting.
  7. Maintain professional communication with program administrators.
  8. Focus on reporting impactful vulnerabilities.
  9. Stay persistent and resilient in the face of challenges.
  10. Continuously update skills and knowledge through learning and practice.

Wrap Up 

In conclusion, these above top 7 common mistakes in Bug Bounty are sure to elevate your programming game to the next level. Believe us, avoiding these common new Bug bounty hunter mistakes will not only make you more effective but also make you a successful Bug Bounty hunter. Just follow our ‘Mantra’: “Stay persistent, engage with the community, and continuously refine your skills to uncover high-value vulnerabilities”.

So, learners, are you ready to dive deeper and gain an edge in Bug Bounty hunting? Enroll in Skilcamp’s ultimate Bug Bounty hunting course in Hindi and start your journey to becoming a top-notch Bug Bounty hunter today!


1. What are some newbie mistakes in Bug Bounty hunting?

Ans. Some of the newbie mistakes in Bug Bounty hunting include failing to adapt your approach to different Bug Bounty program types, underestimating the power of community collaboration, getting discouraged by slow response times, disregarding the legal and ethical guidelines, and relying solely on automated tools.

2. Which basic things should I know before starting Bug Bounty?

Ans. Before starting Bug Bounty hunting, the basic things you need to understand are the different program types, legal and ethical considerations, common vulnerabilities for example XSS, SQL injection, and effective reporting techniques.

3. What types of bugs are sought after in Bug Bounty?

Ans. The types of bugs sought after in Bug Bounty are RCE, SQL injection, XSS, authentication bypass, privilege escalation, information disclosure, and logic flaws.

4. How to learn Bug Bounty for free for a complete beginner?

Ans. To learn Bug Bounty for free as a complete beginner you can join Bug Bounty platforms and forums, take a Bug Bounty hunting course in Hindi, and engage with the Bug Bounty community.

5. How to get into Bug Bounty and computer security?

Ans. To get into Bug Bounty and computer security you can start learning programming languages for example Python, and JavaScript, learn web security fundamentals, practice using security tools, follow industry blogs, and attend conferences.

6. What are the downsides of hosting a Bug Bounty program?

Ans. The common downsides of hosting a Bug Bounty program include managing high submission volumes, paying rewards for valid vulnerabilities, and legal risks, and ensuring effective communication with researchers.

7. What is the road map of a Bug hunter for a beginner?

Ans. To start with Bug Bounty hunting, you can begin with learning web technologies and security basics, understand the common vulnerabilities, practice with tools like Bugcrowd, engage with the Bug Bounty community, and participate in Bug Bounty programs.

8. How to participate in a Bug Bounty?

Ans. To participate in the Bug Bounty program, you can start by registering on various online platforms, after that choose programs aligned with your skills, understand the scope and rules, test within scope, report vulnerabilities, and maintain professional communication.

9. How to start with bug hunting?

Ans. To start with bug hunting, start learning web security basics, practice with vulnerability scanning tools like Burp Suite, join Bug Bounty communities, participate in programs aligned with your skills, and continuously improve through practice and learning from others.

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  1. 7 Common Mistakes in Bug Bounty And How to Avoi…

    […] Find 7 common mistakes in Bug Bounty hunting for beginners in 2024. Learn to avoid these pitfalls and elevate your Bug Bounty game with best practices.  […]

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