Android App Development: The Future of Online Learning

Published on: November 3, 2022

Android app development online for beginners

Android app development online for beginners is an incredible digital learning model emerged post pandemic crises. Now, learning is so much fun without any hassle. 

Android app development is an incredible skill that allows you to create in-build apps for different industries and games in mobile devices in a Java environment.

Whether you are a working professional looking for a career transition or a fresher passionate in software development, time to start your learning journey today. 

5 Amazing Facts to Learn Android App Development Online For Beginners

The biggest reason behind the surging demand for android developers is the dependency of users on smartphones across the globe. 

Hence, it is paramount for any passionate individual to learn and upskill to bag those lucrative career opportunities. 

This can be accomplished by choosing a learning platform that emphasizes mainly on real world project training. 

Know why android app development online for beginners is a gateway to your career success- 

1.Excellent Career Opportunities 
2. Most In-demand skills for Aspirants
3.Real Time Industry Training
4.Flexible Learning Schedules 
5.Boost your Credibility 
  1. Excellent Career Opportunities 

One of the biggest facts about learning android app development online is that it offers excellent career options post training sessions. 

Technology is continually growing, hence it is paramount to keep up with changing trends and upskill. The more you learn, become certified, the better your career will flourish. 

  1. Most In-demand Skill For Aspirants

As per Hindustan Times, India has become the fastest growing marketplace on both Android Ios and Google Play Store

To be more precise, overall market development for mobile apps is more than 14% CGPR.  Hence, with tremendous demand for trained professionals, upskilling is super essential for career growth. 

  1. Real-Time Industry Training 

If you want to build a thriving career in android app development, go in for specialized training programs where real time industry training is essential. 

Reason being, these training sessions are conducted by certified industry trainers to equip you with real world projects and comprehensive case studies.  

  1. Flexible Learning Schedules

With the rise of covid pandemic crisis, virtual learning has become dominant across India. Now we experience online classes instead of physical presence for learning. 

One of the biggest facts about learning android app development online courses is the flexibility in learning. You can learn at your own pace without disturbing your busy schedules. 

  1. Enhances your Credibility in the Market

Competition level in android app development is immensely high. If you want to stay on top, you need to build your credibility. This is possible through certification training. 

Certification in android app development makes your skills credible and double your hiring chances whether you are a fresher or a working professional. Make your skills stand out. 

Tips to Start your Career in Android App Development as a Beginner

If you want to master your skills in android app development, first important thing to keep in mind is the passion for learning new skills

No matter if you are from a technical background or non-techie, passion beats everything. Having said that, here are some valuable tips to kickstart your career as an android app developer in India-

  • Learn to Code 

The first and foremost thing to succeed as an android developer is that you should learn how to code. 

These coding skills involve Java, XML, Android Sdk, Android Studio, APIS, and solid understanding of databases. 

  • Learn the basics Android Platforms & Tools 

Another important thing to keep in mind is to understand the fundamentals of android platforms and tools to become an expert in this domain. 

Employers are looking for well-trained and technically sound professionals. If you are in-sync with the changing technological trends, it will certainly help you get excellent career opportunities. 

  • Hone your Soft Skills 

To stay ahead of the curve, it is paramount to hone your soft skills. Work rigorously hard on your verbal and written communication skills, stress management skills, leadership skills, analytical skills etc. 

Reason being, employers are looking for both technical and soft skills individuals to be considered for high paying jobs in any Industry.   

  • Enhance your Credibility  

As the demand for android app developers are surging in India, the competition level is increasing. Hence it is important to make your skills stand out. 

Certification plays a crucial role here, it adds credibility to your profile and ultimately doubles your hiring chances. 

  • Build a Solid Portfolio or Resume

Your resume should be attractive, well-formatted and free from grammatical errors. Ensure you work hard on your resume format. 

This involves, highlighting your past projects, achievements, skillset, certification adds a lot of value to your portfolio/resume and this increases your hiring chances. 

  • Apply for Internships

Internship programs are incredibly best for freshers. Reason being, individuals will get a lot of exposure and will be be able to win more great opportunities in the near future. 

To give you a fair idea, search for the reliable professional platforms such as Linkedin, Angelist, Indeed, Glassdoor etc. to apply as an intern. 

Career Outlook: High Paying Jobs for Android App Developers in India 

Research says, Cisco Systems Inc has the highest paid jobs for android developers in India. In addition, Tata consultancy services Ltd, HCL Technologies Ltd, Accenture are the top employers hiring for android app developers as per Payscale. 

Here is a glimpse of the pay structure for android development jobs: 

RolesAnnual Salary
Android Engineer14 Lakh
Lead Android Developer36 Lakh
Android Developer8 lakh to 28 Lakh 
Software Engineer- Android5 lakh – 15 lakh 

Scope of Android Development as a Freelancer

If you are planning to headstart your career as a freelancer as an android developer, go ahead and start working with small projects.

The best way to make your skills stand out is your portfolio and adding a certification will give your career a boost if you are a beginner. This will certainly help you win international freelance projects.

Average salary as a Freelance Android Developer: 3 Lakh to 12 Lakh per annum 

Hourly Rates: 70$-85$ per hour 

Best Freelancing Platforms: Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, People per hour and Linkedin

Read How Ishaan Khanna Made a Huge Global Impact Through His Passion 

It is awe-inspiring to see how your passion could incredibly turn out a huge career success. Ishaan Khanna journey will certainly intrigue you especially if you are a software developer or someone intending to grow in this domain. 

He is delivering tech events as a speaker across different countries like Italy, Japan, Russia through his impeccable android app development skill. 

He began his career as a freelance software engineer and catered multi-million dollar companies through his extraordinary problem solving skills. 

This happened due to his strong passion in android app development and striving for perfection that led him to greater heights. Today, he earned huge respect and is named as “DroidChef. For more info, head over to OutlookIndia credible news source

So, if you are someone who is passionate about building a career in android app development, Ishan will inspire you. 

There is nothing in this world that you can’t achieve. All you need is to follow your passion, constant learning, upgrade your technical knowledge, patience and you will surely soar high in no time. 

Final Thoughts 

This brings us to the end of this article, we hope you have got enough clarity on this stance “Android app development online for beginners”. 

Software development domain is tremendously soaring high due to high demand for IT professionals across the globe.

To gain success in this domain requires strong expertise in coding skills and well-acquainted with ever-changing technology and tools. 

Virtual learning model took the center stage especially post pandemic crisis, individuals are more inclined to join online learning platforms, especially working professionals or college pass outs due to the flexible learning environment, unlimited learning resources, workshops and training sessions from top industry experts from home. 

So, If you want to turn your passion of learning android app development skills into a flourishing career just like Ishan, time to lift your learning spirit and soar high. Are you ready?

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